


Secure Document Digitization: Keeping Sensitive Information Private

There’s been a lot of talk about how using shared servers can pose a security threat. This is particularly relevant when it comes to document digitization. Recently, the team at Micro Com Systems won a contract from an agency that was concerned about how and where their sensitive information would be stored during the process of document digitization. The customer’s internal security department determined that Micro Com’s policy of only using their own in-house servers made them the preferred choice.

Today, taking advantage of innovations such as shared servers and cloud storage is common practice among many businesses. The convenience and cost savings of using a third party for hosting and storage are significant. But outsourcing any data always comes with a security risk. Simply put, the vast amount of data stored by organizations that offer hosting and cloud storage solutions makes them an attractive target for mischief makers and cybercriminals.

In addition, the controversial American Patriot Act increases the ability of US law enforcement agencies to access records held by American organizations. If you’re working with a company that outsources some of their services or uses a shared or cloud hosting platform potentially held by an American organization, there’s an increased risk.

As a homegrown, BC-based company, Micro Com Systems’ document scanning and records management services are conducted at their office in Vancouver, using their own in-house servers. What that means is that your information doesn’t go beyond their four walls. In particularly sensitive cases, the Micro Com team can even pack up their equipment and perform document scanning and digitization services right on your premises.

For clients who require scanning and digitization tasks (of any scale), Micro Com acts as a service bureau, allowing you to forego the cost of acquiring expensive scanning hardware, capture software, and skilled personnel.

That means all your scanning or digitization jobs get done safely and securely, and you can allocate your budget towards something more relevant than maintaining an in-house scanning environment.