


Free Sample? Document Scanning Services

Just for fun, take a moment now to Google “Free Sample”. You will find a varied list of results, many of which could actually be legitimate. Some will be marginally sketchy, and some will be downright frightening.

Why then would a company that has been around since 1975 continue to offer true free samples? Well, there are several valid reasons why. First, many potential clients frankly don’t really know what they want, other than to have paper based filing systems disappear. Many conceptually understand that paper will become digital, but don’t actually understand how. Creating a sample from their own records allows the client to see in person exactly what their documents look like as scanned images. At MicroComSystems we can give a free sample of digital document scanning, contact us to find out more.

Micro Com Systems Free Sample Document Scanning Services

Second, once we understand what our potential new customer hopes to achieve by scanning their back file of records, we can present multiple options to them. Often, many organizations initial ideas of how things should be done changes significantly once they understand the amount of human labour involved in delivering the Cadillac solution they initially thought they wanted. Over our 49 years, we have had more clients decide a compromise approach was perfectly suitable and significantly more cost effective.

We Have Over 49 Years of Document Scanning Experience

The last reason to provide a free sample is probably the most important. While we are very good at what we do, and have worked with countless thousands of companies over the decades, we haven’t worked with that particular new client before, and both parties need to completely understand what is in scope. Delivering a sample affords both us and our new customer several opportunities to go back and forth to learn the subtleties of an engagement and get things right. Some times we don’t deliver a single sample, but rather a series of them, with subtle changes and improvements gained with each version.

There is a famous quote mistakenly credited to noted economist Milton Freeman that states “There is no such thing as a free lunch”, and that is most likely true.

There are however, definitely free samples, both at the post Covid Costco, and at Micro Com Systems!