


Category: Document Scanning

Did Something Important Happen In 1957?


It was a great year for rock and roll, the space race and classic cars, but something else happened too! What this company does many millions of times annually didn’t exist until 1957. At that…

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Free Sample? Document Scanning Services


Just for fun, take a moment now to Google “Free Sample”. You will find a varied list of results, many of which could actually be legitimate. Some will be marginally sketchy, and some will be…

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Custom Document Scanning Services: Can’t Find a Scan Application That Does Everything You Need? Build One!


By their very nature, document imaging service bureaus need to be extremely flexible. In our 31 years of offering scanning services, we have had the pleasure of working with thousands of clients. Almost every individual…

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Canadian Government Offering Grant for Digitizing Operations For Businesses


The Federal Government. Is there a bigger target for people’s disdain and outright scorn? Unlikely, unless the big banks and cellular phone providers are included. But just like a broken watch being right twice a…

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Scan Your Paper Files at Your Place? Sure, Why Not?


Over the close to 50 years in the document conversion space, MCS has served many thousands of companies, from Mom and Pop home based businesses to monolithic multinational corporations. Businesses large and small generate paper…

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Document Preparation, What Is That, and What’s the Deal With All the Tape?


Much like tackling a home renovation painting project, preparation is the key to ensuring a satisfying result. Walls must be cleaned, degreased, holes filled, sanded and primed before a new coat of paint can be…

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Here’s Something You Don’t See Every Day, a Conversation About Storage Boxes!


Just like every type of facial tissue is referred to as a Kleenex™, or a tube containing lip balm a Chapstick™, proprietary eponyms are present in the scanning business too. Since the dawn of time,…

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Filing Cabinets and Document Scanning Services For Vancouver Businesses


What do we have against filing cabinets? After all, they are part of every office in every corner of the globe. They are certainly innocuous enough, lining the back walls, painted in neutral and pleasant…

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Skip the Scanner?


The pandemic caused a significant amount of change in the way that business is conducted. Many corporations saw their fortunes skyrocket as employees started working from home. Online communication portals like Zoom and MS Teams…

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Micro Com Systems, Document Scanning Solutions for Cities, Municipal Governments, Regional Districts, and Townships


Since 1975, locally owned Micro Com Systems (MCS) has offered document scanning solutions for Cities, Municipal Governments, Regional Districts, and Townships in Canada. We proudly provide the most comprehensive range of document digitization services in…

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