


Support Small Businesses in Vancouver, It’s Vitally Important!

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How important is Small Business in Canada?

Turns out, it has a massive impact on the Canadian economy. Earlier this year, Statistics Canada determined that in 2021, small businesses made up 98.1% of all employer businesses in Canada. In addition, small businesses employed 10.3 million individuals in Canada – almost two-thirds (63.8%) of the total labour force. By comparison, medium-sized businesses employed 3.4 million individuals (21.1% of the labour force) and large businesses employed 2.4 million individuals (15.1% of the labour force). As such, small businesses play an extremely important role in employing Canadians and are a significant driver towards economic recovery post pandemic.

How Micro Com Systems Contributed To The Local Economy

Looking back over the past 10 years, Micro Com Systems has paid in excess of $11,000,000.00 in wages to it’s many employees. That’s eleven million dollars that paid for children’s clothing, haircuts, groceries, restaurant meals, cars, movie tickets etc., directly stimulating the local economy.

It’s no secret that the past few years have been very challenging for a variety of reasons, but, it appears the worst of COVID-19 is behind us, and the future is very bright indeed. Over the past 47 years we have provided document conversion services to BC and Western Canadian businesses, and we look forward to doing so for many more years.

Whenever you have a choice of service providers, please consider working with the locally owned business that employs local people, and more importantly that drives the local economy.