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Converting Microfilm to Online Digital Archives, by guest blogger Jay Phoenix


For generations, microform technology (such as Microfiche and Microfilm) ruled the world with an iron-fist, but like all tyrannical Empires, it fell to the Rebel scum. A Grand Canyon sized gap formed between micro and digital until…

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Microfilm vs Microfiche & Digitizing Film Archives in Vancouver, by guest blogger Jay Phoenix


Eons ago, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and long before Micro Com Systems, Vancouver’s Document Scanning & Archive Records Management Service very own Craig Hollingum danced the night away in his stylish bell bottoms to the funky tunes…

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Art Scanning & Digital Document Management Services, by guest blogger Jay Phoenix


Recently, Micro Com Systems, Vancouver’s Digitization & Document Management Service provided services for a unique project for Wild Rose, a local Vancouver company that creates tattoo clothing art for those who want to dip their toe in the…

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Our Document Preparation Operators: Scanning 40,000 Documents, by guest blogger Jay Phoenix


Marching hand in hand with the US of A, Canada leads the world in paper production, and the average office worker consumes – not in the savoury sense – an inconceivable 10,000 sheets per year….

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Non-Destructive Scanning: Long Scrolls of Chinese Watercolour Art


The majority of the scanning services in Vancouver we provide are to capture business documents for companies so that they can more easily access and manage the information contained within these documents. We Scan Delicate Artwork…

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